Monday, April 30, 2012

Seek Knock Ask....


Are you ever at a Crossroads and Honestly don't know how to read the sign? I think I am there, I get my Red shoes on and start running down this road, not fearful of the changes and decisions I am making, and determined by what I am doing, and where I am being lead, only to be confused by the freaking signs?? Well....How do you know what to do? I read something that said you shouldn't make ANY life altering decisions unless you have given the process at least 3 months. 3 months of thought, prayer, therapy, you pick , but 3 months to process. Well, I thought my processing was done. I have begun the rebuilding of Sarah, and The boys.... So now what? This is where Faith steps in and challenges me, this is where the confusion sets in, If i follow the Word on Marriage, and I am the only one, what does that look like? For me/ for my sons? I don't believe I can put faith in a man who doesn't have faith in himself. Is that wrong? If you build someone up for all the days and years you are together, but he still resides so far in his past that he wont or cant receive it, where does that put us?

I want so much to believe in people and their ability to do right, and yet I am so sick and tired of people staying in what holds them down, because its easier to be unhappy and falsely feed your ego, than deal with, confront and be the person God has intended you to be. So now after starting down the "Road to Recovery" Is there a reason to look back, and how bright must that "sign" be to make me stray from the path I am on? Here is Matthew 7:7
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Well I did just that, and that is what has lead me to where I am right now, so Do I stop, take a stand, and do it again? What if I am on the road I need to be, then what? Will I continue to be lead this way, I mean I guess I would.... Well my rambling is hitting an all time high, so I will end this, but when is enough enough?? and how do you trust yourself with decisions to be made when the past decisions we have made have not always been that great??

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