Thursday, May 31, 2012

I'm not your friend , I am your MOTHER!!!!

I am Not Your Friend Parenting Quote Saying Distressed Wooden Sign

    So I am kinda in the shitter with my Sons over a comment I made some time ago... I simply said as a response to "I DON'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE!!!!!!"... "Thats perfectly fine darling. I love you, I always will, thats what parents do,and I am not your friend I am your mother, and you don't have to like me"

   Well they cried, I mean tears, "YOU DON'T LIKE ME???? how could you say that? I am your child, you gave birth to me, and you don't like me?" I tried to explain myself and that only seemed to make things worse. Now, we are a few months down the road and I am reminded constantly of my comment. Should I happen to ask... "Whats wrong Buddy?" I now get....."YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND, WHAT DO YOU CARE?"

   As you can imagine this saddens me, I am the primary caregiver to these Not so Tiny Humans , and its hard to be the parent I want to be and not be seen as the enemy sometimes, We have fun, I am involved, but as kids see things....I am the "all rules, no fun parent". I changed my parenting style about 3 months ago, and while I am seeing improvement in behavior, the calmness of my home, I guess thats just not that much fun to boys....

     So this weekend I am gonna mix things up, Im not gonna go all E.E. on them or anything, I mean who lets  a nine year old jump off an abandon building into the James River?? Not this mom....and apparently Kings Dominion is fun and Roller Coasters are great , but we do that "too much", So I am thinking about camping...Fun huh?? Mountains, cooking over a fire, smores and scary stories....Maybe we will see a bear, or a snake... They wont have to shower... they will love that, Hell they dont even have to change their underwear if they so chose. Is that fun? We could even go as far as to make it a "Survivor" weekend. Now for those of you who know me well, you know I dont do camping...I dont do hotels that are less than 4 stars... So this is a real stretch for me, and i know my darlings will see my sacrifice and understand then the difference between loving a child and being a friend.....ROTFLMAO!!!!! No they wont!!!! and in all actually I think I will send them camping ALONE and see who survives, now that would be fun, eh? A pack of matches, a sleeping bag each, a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a fishing pole, maybe a compass and a map!!! Do you think then they will come to appreciate and respect their hard working mother? How about the mundane task of keeping clean laundry, hot meals, rides to and from bus stops, afterschool functions, friends houses???How about the countless all nighters because someone had a bad dream or a stomach ache? I could go on forever about these things that I do, these things I do without thinking, they are like breathing to me, I do them because I am a Mom, I do them because I love my children, I do them because if I didnt no one would. Is it too much to ask for them to be grateful? Is it too much to ask of them to understand?

    I will let you know if I actually do this camping idea, I will probably wimp out, THEY would probably wimp out, I can hear them now..."its so hot, the bugs suck, I wanna play X-Box, Dad would have let us jump off that 500 foot water fall into unknown waters....YOU ARE NO FUN!!! You know what? Maybe I should start with a non room serviced hotel... Would that seem fun???


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sarah (MOM number 2), I stumbled upon this by mistake and yet I don't regret it. I am in tears in my bed thinking wow. Is this what a parent thinks about and has to go through? As an outsider looking in I see so much love among your family. I also see the flaws (that we all posses). I know Noah is so incredibly smart and I know he will understand eventually. I don't want to be that kid that is like "ms chamberlain I think you are awesome and thanks for everything that you do" because you deserve so much more than just that! you have raised four amazing kids and to say the least im glad to have one of them as my best friend. I look forward to spending many years together at family function and gatherings where im sure i will invite myself to (: I wish i would have taken more time to think about what my parents go through with four kids and a nephew to take care of. Im glad im more independent now. Thanks for adopting me! don't worry, i don't want a car or money. Mayhaps just some salsa?(:
    Love much,

  3. Oh Wilbur ! I love you kid!!
    I wrote that blog about a year ago, you a doll! Dont be sad, you are an amazing kid, who is going to be an amazing Young Man!! And all the salsa and more is always ready for you!!

    Your adoptive Muma!!
