Sunday, September 22, 2013

Worrier Vs. Warrior

I am a worrier , its just who I am. I worry about the silliest and most irrelevant things, along side the real stuff that comes with being a parent. I have noticed over the last six years that broken families are more the norm than not these days and being the "Custodial Parent" has lead me to be even more the worrier.

*Kid with a cough, Is it Pneumonia again?
*Kid with a rash , Scarlet Fever?
*Kid riding with friends, will he remember his sealtbelt? Will he be safe?
*Kid trying out for something new, Will he be ok if he doesnt get it?
*Will I make it to all the pick up spots today on time?
*Can I get to every meet ? Will he be upset if I cant?
*Am I giving them every experience I can , will they be well rounded ?

I could go on and on, but it just shows my craziness so I will stop. What I am getting to is hard to articulate. I would never change the custody I have, but I want to know how it is that a parent can be so removed from their children that all the worry falls on to the parent who chose to still be a parent when a marriage falls apart?

Last night I held my phone waiting for Tiny Beast #2 (Who is not so tiny anymore) to check in every time he got to a destination, he called or texted each time, as he promised, but as the night went on and i got sleepy waiting for the final destination call it dawned on me that as a parent I will worry, because I care and I carry my kids in my heart every moment and everywhere i exist, and I need to channel all that worry into being a Momma Warrior !!

I made the the decision to allow the kiddo in the car with friends, its a part of him extending his wings, he is an AWESOME kid , he makes decent decisions, he followed protocol and he is ok .So,  Its either allow them to fly, set protocols and stick by them or remove ourselves from society, and where sometimes I think that would be an exciting adventure, going off grid is not an option. (per my beasts)

So as We embark on a new week, a week where there is a half day to figure out, 4 Cross country practices to pick up from, 3 play rehearsals to figure out transportation , and Beast #2 has an audition at an improv club. You know what? I can do it!! I can do it because I am a BAD ASS , Im a Warrior, and because at the end of the day the results are the same whether I worried or not,  It does me no good and it sucks the life out of what is right in front of me,

As far as being a removed parent who doesnt worry because they are to self absorbed to even think about what is happening in their children lives, i used to be kind of jealous of the quiet you must have in your mind without all the worry floating around, but now I just feel pity for you, You miss out, you miss out on a sons first night out with friends, you miss out on a hilarious trip to the ER and the story of a nurse teasing your son about scratching his "parts" , not because you arent here, but because you chose not to be a part of your kids lives .

Single parents, try not to worry this week, channel it into magnifying all the kick ass things that make you a Warrior!!!


  1. " not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Said some wise guy in Matthew 6:34.

  2. Kyle thank you for your comments, they make me smile!!
