Monday, May 7, 2012

5,4,3,2,1.....Here we Go With MONDAY!!!

What an AMAZING Weekend, Friday started with a Good Ol' cookout, and some Crazy Kiddos!!! Saturday was a DREARY day, and I was sick, but the boys were wonderful and let me rest, then we went to see the AVENGERS, Me, The Ex and all four Boys, What an accomplishment, Yay for Co-Parenting!!!

Sunday we all got up and ready, met up with.....(hmmm, not sure what to call him, well call him" M.A.H." My absent husband) So, met up with MAH and headed to Kings Dominion, What an AWESOME day !!! The kids were each tall enough to ride EVERY RIDE!!!!! Finally, a sigh of relief, its sorta like when you have stair step kids and the last one finally is out of diapers.... Its an indescribable freedom, BUT that freedom was always my excuse for not riding the coasters, and it has been a damn good rouse for the past 19 years. Well guess what , not anymore, and I thought after riding the DOMINATOR I had proved my Bravery and could go about my 21a.jpg
day riding things like the swings,  and  other "easy rides, maybe the bumper cars...But NO !! #3 and #2 quickly took off to do the "big " rides, and #4 wanted to ride the Scooby Doo. ( totally my speed)
Look at how Happy those people are!! Well that wasnt enough for #4, as soon as we got off that he says...."Hey Mom, I think I might like that Anaconda Coaster, can we try together?" Well who says no to a kid facing his fear, Not this Mom!!! So we moved on to bigger and way more Painful rides, but he did it, and he loved it!! I could go on and on, but there is so much about this morning to share still, that I will post one last picture from yesterday, this was the last ride of the day, #4 decided he would ride the Dominator, #3 rode in the front and M.A.H and I took #4 a few rows back( this was much better the second time by the way) and #4 LOVED it!!!! So #3 and he ran back through the line to ride ALONE in The FRONT CAR..... IMAG0497.jpgand yes I bought the souvenir photo, because I was just that Happy about our Fantastic Family day, and that we all SQUASHED those Coaster Fears!!!!

Fast Forward to this morning, alarm, snooze, alarm, snooze ,alarm...PANIC, WAKE UP!!!! Got #3 to his shuttle, almost killed my sleepy self when I  pulled out in front of a car(totally my fault), got some caffiene in me and #4 to school, then #2 had a Dr. appt for his allergies. We get into the exam room and the nurse asks"do you need a step stool to get up there Honey?" Ummmm, #2 is 5'3 and 14 and it was all we could do to keep from falling out laughing at her, but we stayed composed until she left the room. We made it through the appt. and are now about to start yet another regimen of meds, and an old man(who was speaking to himself when we got there) says to me as we are exiting "whats wrong with you're skinny little girl?" Let me say if it hadn't been for  the abundance of compliments he received about his Hair this morning at Panera, we may of had a real incident on our hands, but once again, we laughed hysterically, I made it up to him with a Mocha Frappacino on the way to school and all was well!!!

Fast forward to work ....I am not here 5 minutes, and a patient is calling about her schizophrenic girlfriend, they are both Schizo, and met at the local Psychiatric Hospital when they were there for inpatient treatment, (I am being COMPLETELY SERIOUS!!) the phone call went a little something like this.....

Betty-"Miss Sarah, this is Betty, YoYo stabbed me over the weekend 7 times, I got stitches in my head, my eye, my neck, but listen I need you to TDO her"

TDO =temporary detaining order

Me-"Wait a minute, you were stabbed? , you need to call the police"

Betty-" I did, they arrested her but one of the kids bonded her out, and right now she on the corner by my house with her pants at her ankles screaming, "kiss my BIG BEAUTIFUL BLACK ASS" as people go by, the woman ain't right"

This went on and on, but I am happy to report YoYo(*that is her name!!!) has been taken back into custody and is awaiting crisis transport to our local psychiatric facility....

Happy Freakin' Crazy Monday!!!! and its only noon. So I will patiently wait for what  for  more that could bring me excitement and joy? I can hardly wait !!!

Oh and we all made a deal this morning, that if they clean their rooms and help me with the laundry this afternoon, i will give back the Xbox for a weeks  trial, BUT, they have to sing EVERYTHING THEY SAY!!!!

***** This was a bit odd while at the doctors office, but its Fun, and thats what its all about....Eh?

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