Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Starbucks and Men....

You know how they say the way to a mans heart <3 is through his stomach, well the way to My heart is a nice big cup of coffee, preferably delivered to me, on a whim, in a Starbucks cup!! That makes my heart smile, and then do jumping jacks and back flips, but still, I LOVE COFFEE. Now I am not a coffee snob or anything, I mean I do love Starbucks, but its the coffee, not a frufru flffy drink, just a BIG BOLD coffee.....YUMM-O!!!

So, when my first ex husband, I guess my only ex husband, and I started having coffee this year to create a "better environment" for our children, Our meeting place was Starbucks. Nice, Neutral Starbucks,Oh, and they have Caffeine...BONUS!!! As time has progressed our schedules have not meshed that well, so he has been offering to drop Coffee off to me!!! Awesome you say? The first time I have to admit I didn't even drink it, I poured the whole thing in the toilet... I was scared, did he spit in it, or worse?? Well in the last few weeks of my "transformation" I have really been learning to Trust...(not that he is trustworthy or anything) but if hes gonna spend 3 bucks on a coffee and go out of his way to get it to me, maybe just maybe hes being nice...Who knows ??

Now On Thursdays I used to get Coffee delivered to me from my Good friend Bob.(well we'll call him Bob)Bob watches, I mean watched , my kids on Thursdays (he has a girlfriend now) and now hes a bit too busy..... Anywho, Thursdays used to be my Most Favorite days, You see Tiny Beast #4 would come on into my office, and deliver me a Big Ol' Coffee, and even though it was bought by a Bob, having one of the beasts deliver it , always made my Thursdays better, and Thursdays are hard days at work, FULL ON CRAZY!!!!

Then there are the Drug Dealers, I mean Drug Reps......They love to bring me coffee, Because I am their "Golden Ticket" if I don't get them through to the Doctor, they don't get to promote their drugs, if they don't promote their drugs their numbers don't go up, if their ....You get the picture. So on any given Thursday or Friday, when these so called reps are coming by, at any given time there are 2-5 Starbucks cups on my desk.
IMAG0430.jpgWhich is bringing me around to a point here..... When speaking someones love language I find it very easy, There are things that speak to a person, whether silly, intimate, personal, what have you. For me, I love coffee,and my friends Know that !!!Coffee picks me up when I am down,  even acquaintances know this, that's why I can talk about coffee forever, Thats why the people mentioned above do what they do, they know it speaks to me, and in turn gets them what they want....

But when it comes to Love, real love, with someone you truly love and they Cannot speak the language to you , is there love there? If you know a phone call will leave your loved one counting the minutes until they see you, wouldn't you call them? I don't know how love looks to you but to me it is the core of who we are, we were put here to love, If you cant articulate the feelings you can always show the feelings, in a million little things. Remember Llyod Dobler, Remember the scene with the boom box?? In your eyes??? Even Lloyd got it, he spoke the best he could, but when it comes down to it, a lady needs to be shown..... Is that too much to ask?

****** If I die from this coffee, you know who did it!!!!

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