Thursday, May 3, 2012

My son is a MAN !!!

As most of you know I have 4 sons, the oldest of which is , ahem.... 21 (and, yes I did have him when I was 10 LOL) Any who, he is going to stay with me for a week or so until things level out for him with his  living situation , he arrived last night , and in the 2 months since I last saw him last,  has taken up some serious weight lifting and working out. Now I knew this as we have been in touch over the past few months, but I guess I underestimated his determination. Let me put it this way, He came in the house and scared me, I mean I didn't recognize is silhouette as he came into my sight, and considering , there had been a knock at the door, and I said come in.... There was  a split second that I was wondering who the strange man was in my house.

We had a great evening, catching up, and eventually I had to get to bed and it was time for him and his buddies to hit the gym, So at 10:00, he packed a gym bag, made a protein drink,Got the scoop on how crazy and loud the house would be at 6:30 as the 3 younger beasts and I prepare for our day, took a key and headed out.

I guess I am writing this for myself, to remember this funny yet endearing evening with my son, who I had to kick out of my house back in February shortly after he had turned 21.To push him into growing up. As hard as that was for both of us, I see him now as a young man, working 2 jobs,he has  paid off court and legal fees in order to FINALLY obtain a drivers license ( which he was so proud to show off), has formed friendships, and has begun mending relationships in his life.

Raising sons is the hardest and the most rewarding endeavor all at the same time!! So now to look at this young man, that  I have been positive I had ruined, and see him growing, brings back faith and confidence in myself as Mom. I Thank God for the Grace he has given me with my children. The Grace that I lose sight of so often. I Know in my heart He has this, and He will continue to guide me through this journey of Motherhood the best that I can, and he has the rest....

***** I will have to snap a picture of him, you all wont believe its even him!!! LOL


  1. So, there was a BIG typo!!!! did anyone catch it besides my Coworker??? OMG!!!

  2. aw thanks mom lol love you too
