Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Running??? Can I do that?

Why is it that when someone flat out tells us we CAN'T do something, we immediately feel the need to prove them wrong? When all along it was something we know we should be doing if we want to obtain a goal, but instead of doing that we make excuses for ourselves, get comfortable, think that things could be WAY WORSE and become complacent?? I know its human nature, but I want an answer why!!!

I read a Blog that I found through a pinterest link, a mom, close to my age, making shit happen!! not perfect, and doesn't claim to be, but has found a niche and its working, www.mamalaughlin.com/ .So after reading her HILARIOUS blog, I say to myself, "Self, you are so close, you could do that, put on those fancy running shoes collecting dust and just GO!!!" to which my other self says" Bitch its 110 degrees outside, why the hell would you do that  today,especially when  there is a lovely chilled bottle of Sonoma Cutrer in the fridge?? Now get a grip on yourself, and go pour a BIG glass and try to come to your senses!!!" 

And I did, and that was almost a week ago. So this week I saw the weather was going to break and that would be my perfect opportunity to start, and I thought it would be a GREAT idea to get the boys in on this with me since they are such awesome runners!!! Well that is where my inspiration for this post comes in!!! #2 Beast child says" But Mom...you cant run, you have no definition in your calves" SERIOUSLY kid?? Do you have a death wish? Whats that old saying? "I brought you into this world and I can take you out!!!" I was pissed, had it not been 108 outside, I would have run right out the door at that moment, or had I really been a runner, i wouldn't care what the temperature is, i would "just do it"!!! BUT I AM NOT A RUNNER.....Yet!!

Well today is my day, I really don't have an issue in the food dept, I have that down, lots of fresh food, lean protein, close to NO carbs....yadayadayada, but I dont like to exercise, Really...I never have, maybe I was just not cut out for it, then I realized that excuses werent gonna get me anywhere, and If  I wanted to feel as good about myself as I used to 15 pounds thinner, I needed to step up my game,   (WHO AM I JOKING?? I HAVE NO GAME) Ahem, I needed to get some game!!

So today, after I finish work and grocery shop, and start dinner, I vow to move the best I can for 45 minutes, whether that means walk, jog, run...I cant imagine I can run, but I will imagine being chased and that should do the trick!!!And  I hope you all can encourage me , hold me accountable, and ask the really hard questions like "Hey Sarah, are those running shoes on your feet or a glass of wine in your hand?"

I dont think I am brave enough to post pictures... Just not that sure I would want to scar my friends like that, but i will take pictures , and I will post pounds and inches lost, I did lose 15 pounds and have kept that off since I initially posted in April, but these last 15 are stubborn and No fun at all!!! So thats all I got today in Crazy town, but I will be back!!! 

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