Monday, April 16, 2012

Planks and Specks, and losing this fat ass!!!

Matthew 7;4 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Matthew 7;5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Have been totally praying and working on my "plank" for the last 24 hours, I mean my rant last week was about me creating change , it is also about me removing my plank, Now I have identified it, I can work on it, So if I am a bit removed, ya'll know where I am.....

Last night went amazingly well when the kiddos got home home from the Exs , we had no TV, No video games, and instead we played cards, grilled dinner and built a new patio table.... Win for Mom!!! I didnt yell, (much) Max always refuses to be upstairs alone, and after a 5 day of no bathing at his dads.....there isnt even a question, YUCK!!!

This Morning was ok, and we all made it to our proper destinations on time, But tomorrow I will be starting a 24 day challenge , which entails NO COFFEE..... WTF am I thinking? But I am gonna do it, I am a solid 35 pounds heavier than 3 summers ago, ok maybe 2 summers, and that is bad.... I am a sexy Momma, and I want my inside to match my outside, and this weight is making me feel ugly, so...... Im gonna take it off, for real!!! I will update, and maybe if I am brave enough post before and after.... dont know about that....

So that is me today working on a better me inside and out!!!

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