Thursday, April 19, 2012


I am Feeling like I am having a Banner week, I started this new way of eating and living lifestyle, and I am kinda loving it, I really thought I would miss the wine, but so far so good,Now  I havent been in a social setting, but as far as my evening ritual.....I OWN IT NOW!!!!! Even yesterday when I got home hours early, I didnt cheat, and I walked 5 more miles!!!
Enough of that though, I read a quote today that made me go hmmmmmmm? It said"Let go or be dragged" I have taken this to heart in EVERY realm of my life since I read it, and this is my next "Change" to make happen. I have the new kid routine in full swing, and after only 10 days, its awesome. I could kick myself for being scared and NOT doing anything before now!!! I got my lifestyle "wants" in order. So now on to all the pretty "Little Loose  Ends" that complicate MY LIFE!!!! And to you all I say, Step up or give up!!! I wont judge either way. Be the person God intended you to be, I can live with that, but not the manipulation!!!

   Seriously, that is where my little Quote (UP THERE)comes in today, It is so true, and there are a few loose ends that I really need to consider with, I am being "dragged " by these relationships? ......Dragged down, Dragged along, Dragged with and all the while I am allowing myself to be dragged. What in the world am I doing?? What kind of example am I being for my sons?? You know that saying "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"?? Well hello Sarah, are you insane?As found in Websters....and I quote" They say that the definition of insanity is continuing to do the samething but expecting to get different results."    

So, I ask myself, "Self, are going to let these people continue to  walk on you, drag you along, drag you down, be a reason to flame out"?? Oh NO HELL NO!!!( a saying from one of the above mentioned) 

******* Interruption.....patient just walks in(yes, I blog at work, its the only time I can!!LOL) I ask "What happened? you are 2 hours late", He very sweetly tells me...."you see, I accidentally knocked out one of the staff, at my group home"....As you can imagine, I was like...Accidentally?"Yes Ms. Sarah, she walked right in front of my fist, It was amazing" and that would be my job in a nutshell, in"Crazytown"

Ok, back to life , Well I've decided  I am gonna "trim the fat", "weed the garden" or whatever other little sayings you use to rid my Crazy life of any UNNEEDED Craziness, God knows I have PLENTY of my own Here in Crazytown!!! 

******Also..... I weighed myself today, I have lost 5.4 pounds..... YAY!!!!

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