Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A Date and a Barstool....

Dating is a Backburner sport in my world.  I am Blessed to have amazing friends who fill my quiet moments when I am in need of support, of course I love having fun, and being alone is perfectly fine with me.

So why one night before Christmas when I couldn't sleep i signed up for E-Harmony is beyond me, but I did, three months free , just cancel before renewal! So,  I "made" my profile whilst half asleep and when people were messaging me the next day I wondered why, Nothing made sense, I may as well of been blitzed, but it intrigued me to fix it, add pictures and see what could come of it. Up until three weeks ago I had met one very sweet gentleman for coffee, but we are at 2 very different points in our lives and it became apparent quickly that out priorities were not the same. At that point I figured that in order for a relationship to flourish it would take more than I am capable of, and decided it wasn't for me.

 I ignored the " blah blah is interested in you" deleted the daily " Heres your 7 daily matches" until one Wednesday Morning something caught my eye. I decided to check out his profile, looked great and then......"Cat Allergy" Oh Well, I sent a little message saying thanks, but I have cats, he sent a little message saying "all good and good luck", and then later that night I got another message saying he would hate to miss out on something when a allergy pill is easy enough to take if things go well, and so it all begins.....

Now when you have kids and you start to date, it involves " going out" and for me, someplace highly public, because lets face it there are whack jobs out there!!! ( Hell I married 2 of them) So Date #1 at a quaint Wine bar sitting in front of a roaring fire on a freezing cold night. Perfect!!! Date #2 Taphouse on a barstool, Date #3 Bonefish Barstool, Date #4 Bonefish Barstool #5 back to Sedona, #6 back to Bonefish....... Now what I am getting at is this, if you sit at a table , a server is going to expect you to leave or pay rent!! A bartender doesnt care, and if you order food there all the better for them, but this cant go on forever.

We laugh that most our correspondence is through text because we are both single parents and Kids come first, We hang on to every last word laughing hysterically when we spend time together, but I dont want our entire dating experience to take place at a bar, and  I also dont want to rush anything. So Friends whats a girl to do ? How do we Single parents date, get to know one another , protect our kids from getting exposed to someone but also not become a Lush ?