Friday, May 20, 2011

Raptures, Squirrels and Friday!!!

First let me give Thanks to  God for a safe week, No Trips or stays at the Hospital, a great follow up with Youngest beast yesterday, and No more pain for Chatty Beast!!! Middle man Beast has survived without incident, and is feeling ok about being a boy and resuming his wild behavior!!So all the prayers and love that poured over my family last week, have done a TREMENDOUS amount of help!!

    Ok, now I have a strong belief in God, I know my God is a Just and Gracious God, and therefore find it Kinda Hilarious that people really believe that at midnight tonight "Something " is going to occur, but I must say it can really get your imagination going, I mean, I have a mountain of dr, bills accumulating from the crazy mans lack of responsibility for his children, Should I even care? I have eight loads of laundry just dying to be put away...Is there really a need to do that? How about grocery shopping? I only bought a 1/2 gallon of milk yesterday, I couldn't justify a whole gallon, its just going to spoil, right?? and then lets really delve in, what if I am "Left Behind"? You all have read those books by Max Lucado....Well that's gonna suck, So I am stuck wondering if I should keep the kids with me this weekend for this earth shattering event( their crazy father probably wont pick them up anyway)so we can all be together? Are you gonna sit up til midnight staring at your loved ones waiting to see if someone disappears? Darling Husband and I have a party to go to on Saturday night, so we are headed to Washington DC...Thats probably not the Holiest place to be , but the looting could be good....So what do you all think? My Colombians I work for have been planning a party, and hysterically laughing about this....What will you be doing at midnight?

   I FREAKIN' HATE SQUIRRELS!!! If I hit one more squirrel in Woodlake with one of my kids in the car, they may hurt me...The Nasty little rodents are EVERYWHERE!!!! So this Morning I am taking one of the Beasts to a shuttle bus, and I hit one, not like this is an uncommon thing, but I have to answer to the wrath of my beasts who think I am purposefully killing small animals!!! That's not Cool!! I used to try and swerve when they ran in front of my car , but after a few near misses with other cars head on I would rather risk the squirrel than kill innocent people over a FREAKIN' RODENT!!!And that's all I have to say about that!!

   Now, considering I had NO coffee at home this morning (brain fart there) I am really hyped up on my 2 Venti Drips from Good Ol' Starbucks!!and this day is Flying by!! Woo Hoo!!! My Darling Husband is taking me away for the weekend , AWESOME SURPRISE!!! Because If we stay home he will work and I will clean and there will be NO rest for either of us,So he was Proactive and an planned some well needed R&R for us after last weeks fiasco's !!! So come on 5 o'clock...The dog is at the Gramas house already, my car has been cleaned, there is a plan for the kids to be picked up(keep your fingers crossed)!!! and hopefully by 7:30 this evening, I will be enjoying my last meal on Earth with my Darling Hubby!!! Hahahahahahaha!! Have a Fantastic weekend Everyone, and if we are all wrong and the world has ended before I have a chance to do this again, it has been my Sincere pleasure to of known you Mon Ami's!!! Muwah!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


A Great Friend has inspired me to take my Crazed Life to a more suited platform...So here goes...
If you are reading this you know me, you know my strengths, weaknesses and all my drama ( that I will claim is NEVER my fault) with that said lets just jump in to my stream of thoughts today.....I think that there must be a form of tourettes that perfectly normal moms can get . Where, when we are doing our daily crap, whether its work, school, shopping, the brain likes to burst obsurd thoughts of interesting ways to even the playing field in my highest rated soap opera of life....
        I am absolutley sure that anyone who has been divorced thinks their ex is the craziest in the world, and those of you who have great relationships with your ex, well......arent you SO SPECIAL!!! Now I truly believe I get the gold star when it comes to crazy exs, The Narcissistic Psycho, who let his childrens health insurance laspe, in FREAKIN' December, and never found it important to mention, is frustrated that I am not more understanding....Can I get a great Big Ol' WTF???? I found this out a month ago while one of the beasts had a Allergey induced Asthma attack, ( Never even knew that was such a thing) So there we are 10:00pm at Kid Med, give the Anthem card, 2 minutes later, "Excuse me Mrs. Chamberlain....this card is inactive, is there a new card".....Ha...I call The Father of year, and he informs me the coverage was cancelled and it was Obamas fault...seriously, he blamed the president!!! I hung up, i surely cant even begin to process that as my child is gagging for air, I pay out of pocket...OUCH!!! and we are seen, nebulized and on our way....Oh yeah, $100.00 in uncovered meds to boot. The next morning I called Anthem in my sneaky " Hi , this is Sarah calling from HMG, I need to check coverage on a potential pt." and that is because I had been blocked from information with Anthem, by said crazy man, anywho.....I am then told the coverage lapsed 12/01/2010......HMMMMMMM????? it was April, thats odd, I proceeded to ask if it was due to the new healthcare bill, to which i was told, "no, had the policy been kept current, it would have been grandfathered in because it was started BEFORE, the bill took effect" once again....WTF???
      I did relay the knowledge i had gained in the phonecall  to the crazy man, I didnt get any response, I guess I shouldnt be surprised...What would you say??

     Lets Fast Forward to Tuesday May 11, 2011.....I am cooking with my mom, my darling husband is diligantly planting MORE flowers for me in the yard, the kids are at the park playing, and right about the time i was going to call the tiny beasts to eat i hear BANGING on the kitchen door, I run to see darling husband holding the youngest of the beasts who is SCREAMING hysterically, I am told to get my keys and GO!!! I said, "what happened", he lifts the shorts of Tiny Beast to reveal a bloody little boy part, Ummm, ok, Apparently there was a mishap on the swings and some parts didnt go with the little man as he jumped...It was NASTY, on the way to the ER i call Crazy man, " There has been an accident, could you text me the new insurance info please ASAP" from the other end ,over the screaming coming from the back seat, i hear  " Oh, i'm working on that, its not done yet " I hang up, no need for words that the young beast may of hear coming from my mouth at that point....We proceed to the ER, we are transported from one hospital, to another with a Pediatric specialist, he is operated on and 12 stitches and 9 hours later we are discharged.
    As a mom to 4 boys I honestly thought I had seen it all when it comes to kids....I will be the first to say I WAS WRONG!!!!
*****Update, Youngest beast is doing Great!!! Stitches are disolving, he has his 10 day follow up tomorrow, and returned to school this past Monday with NO problems :-) thought that was the end of this little saga...Hahahahahaha!!! Fast Forward to Thursday 05/12/2011, Got home late after a Vietnam Fundraising meeting, Darling husband has made a yummy dinner and I walk in to all the little beasts eatting dinner, My Chatty beast finishes quickly and retreats to his cave, the other beasts, hubby and I watch Idol and are very sad by the results, get the beasts to bed and chatty beast comes downstairs and is complaing of a stomach ache, i give him some tums, tell him to try and use the bathroom, and wonder if he is not getting the attention he needs due to all the attention Youngest beast is getting...I send him back upstairs, he comes down again about an hour later, I rub his back, give him more tums, send him back to bed and go to bed myself, at 1:30 am I am awaken to him at my bedside, he has crawled into my room and is crying, at that point I remember a friends child whose appendix had ruptured and had these same symptoms, and decide to go to the ER, 12 hours , 2 CT scans and A LOT of Morphine later his Appendix are removed, It is now Friday the 13th, and while I am not a superstitious person, i will never be paticularly fond of that day again!!! We were released Saturday the 14th, he is back in school as of today, and will have his follow-up next Friday, he is doing really well and was such a trooper.....
      Now I know you are wondering....what about the insurance, because surely if you were court ordered to carry insurance for your little beasts you would, and if by some freak occurance it lapsed, you would correct IMMEDIATLEY, and if you had another freak occurance and eneded up with not one but two hefty bills, you would be on the phone at 9:00 the next morning getting coverage, Guess What???? NOPE, NO INSURANCE STILL.....On top of all this, Crazy Man never came to see either of the beasts, skipped out on his visitation days 2 weeks straight, and is irritated that I am not more understanding....this is where those thoughts start to POP POP POP up.....and I question, is this odd? Is this what people deal with? Was I so sheltered in my life prior to Crazytown that i was unaware this was how other people live? Who knows... I will continue to Pray Grace for myself and tolerance for all involved in Crazytown, and I want to give thanks for all of you who support me in my endeavor to relocate from Crazytown......